How to Help Us!

If you enjoyed our site and found it helpful, there are a number of ways you can assist us to grow and improve it! Here are some ways you can help out…
  • Promote our site! Our aim is to be able to reach and help all those families and children interested in China and Chinese culture. The Internet is a vast place, so this is not always simple. There are ways you can help others find us:

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    Here's how to Contact Us.

  • Share your China adventures. Anything from climbing the Great Wall to how your local school celebrated Chinese New Year. Your stories, pictures, videos and experiences help our site and our readers appreciate them as well.

    You can tell your story here, and see other visitors' stories too.

  • Shop through our links. We receive a small commission when you buy products from our affiliates, for example, books from or Chinese cultural products.

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